While Megyn and her family are enjoying spring break in Montana, Strudwick and his sister Thunder are at home in Connecticut with their dog sitter Holly. In case Megyn and Doug wondered if Strud saves his shenanigans for them, this incident confirms he is an equal opportunity offender.
Holly was planning on having minestrone soup for dinner the other night – but alas, Strud had other plans. She left him alone in the kitchen for all of two minutes, and that was all he needed to steal her supper off the counter. As you can see below, the soup container and the family room rug incurred some damage, while both Strudwick and Thunder enjoyed an evening snack…

It does, however, seem like there is at least a tiny bit of remorse from Strud and – in Holly’s words – “his accomplice” Thunder:

Or maybe they are just disappointed that Megyn and Doug had new doors installed between the kitchen and mudroom to upgrade the more easily surmountable ‘barrier’ of crates, gates, and chairs they previously relied on to keep them at bay.
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