Megyn has been giving her husband Doug a hard time about his fashion sense basically since the day they met. She’s shared in the past about his very – shall we say – tightly curated t-shirt collection (by “tightly curated” we mean he wears a grand total of three tees on repeat). But, as it turns out, Doug may have been on to something all along.
Earlier this week, the Wall Street Journal published an article titled “Could You Be Dressing Sexier? A Guide For Men,” which breaks down the keys to “raffishly attractive men’s dressing” – sans tight pants and unbuttoned shirts. Instead, a few key pieces from Doug’s wardrobe may or may not be all you need.
On Tuesday’s show, Megyn and the hosts of Ruthless – Comfortably Smug, Josh Holmes, Michael Duncan, and John Ashbrook – took a closer look at WSJ’s take on “beginner,” “intermediate,” and “black-diamond” sexy style and how debonair Doug has had it right all along.
A Guide to Dressing Sexy
According to the Wall Street Journal, women aren’t the only ones who want to take their style up a notch. “Think dressing ‘sexily’ is only for women,” the outlet asked in a Tweet. “No one talks about it, but men sometimes want to look hot, too. Here’s how to turn heads, without looking sleazy, on date night.”
The article breaks down how the definition of ‘dressing sexily’ has changed over time. Today, it’s apparently less Mick Jagger and more Jake Gyllenhaal. “It calls for small commitments, like seeking out well-fitting pants and outfits with alluring textures (think cashmere, suede or even eyeleted cotton),” the piece says. “But it absolutely does not require you to arrive at dinner dressed like your pecs are the main course.”
Comfortably Smug, for one, agreed. “I’ll tell you what: a nice cashmere shawl collar makes the girls go crazy on date night,” he quipped.
The Sartorial Sexiness Meter
As it turns out, there are levels to the sartorial sexiness meter, which Megyn and the guys explored. For those looking to dip their toes into the pool of “beginning sexy,” the Journal recommends “buttonless polos,” “flattering workwear pants,” “black loafers,” and “final touches” like a “refined Cartier Tank” watch and Top Gun-inspired Ray-Bans:

Megyn admitted she was a little confused by the top. “Beginner sexy is buttonless polo – I had to look that up,” she said. “It’s like a little polo shirt you can get that looks like any polo shirt but instead of having the buttons on the little collar it has nothing; it’s just like a little V with a tiny collar.” Duncan was not buying it. “I look at those pants and that shirt and I think you’re ready for the bingo hall,” he joked.
In that case, you may be ready for “intermediate sexy,” which includes a “tee with character,” “single-button blazer with sloped shoulders,” “dark jeans,” “Chelsea boots,” and a key ring “slung from your belt-loop supplies attitude.”

Here is where Doug clearly got the memo. He’s been rocking the infamous Mickey Mouse-emblazoned t-shirt that made an appearance on the show last summer and more recently on their trip to France for decades. “He wears it all the time. It’s gone all over the world,” Megyn lamented. “He’s got an RC Cola shirt that he wears as well.”

The WSJ approves. “If you can find a fun item that resonates with you, it’ll inject personality into your outfit,” the article says. The advice: “Tame this louder piece with an otherwise-subdued outfit.” Noted.
Black-Diamond Sexy
In case Doug needed further vindication, the “black-diamond sexy” portion of the WSJ guide certainly provided it. “I have made fun of Doug’s fashion for many, many years,” Megyn admitted. She and Doug were set up on a blind date back in 2006. “I wasn’t well-known at the time, but I was on Fox News… so he kind of knew who he was,” she said.
Regardless, she assumed he’d make an effort with his outfit choice for the evening. “He came to our blind date with high-waisted khaki pants and a yellow golf shirt,” she recalled. “I’m like, what the f-ck is this?” Megyn joked that she figured Doug’s ex-girlfriend had sought to sabotage his future dating prospects by allowing him to dress like that and her plan has always been to help upgrade his closet a bit.
It looks like the joke, however, is ultimately on her.
When you look at the pinnacle of sexy style – “black-diamond sexy,” according to the Wall Street Journal – it includes none other than high-waisted pants and a yellow golf shirt:

Needless to say, Megyn was served a helping of humble pie. “I called him over this morning when I was reading my [research] packet and saw these pictures, and he said, ‘All along you’ve been mocking me, and I’ve been Black Diamond Sexy,’” she shared. “He’s like, ‘you’re the saboteur, not the ex-girlfriend.’” The Ruthless guys agreed that Doug was “ahead of his time” since he’s been sporting that look since at least 2006.
Move over, Jake Gyllenhaal! “So there you go, if you decide to take your ladies out for a special dinner, you should consider the mandles, the pinkie ring, and the Doug Brunt high-waisted pants and yellow golf shirt,” Megyn concluded. “You’re welcome.”
You can check out Megyn’s full conversation with the Ruthless guys by tuning in to episode 576 on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you like to listen. And don’t forget that you can catch The Megyn Kelly Show live on SiriusXM’s Triumph (channel 111) weekdays from 12pm to 2pm ET.