This week marks the one-year anniversary of the launch of Megyn’s American News Minute email, which was also the start of what we affectionately refer to as “The Strudwick File.” If you’ve been with us since the inaugural issue, you may recall the first Strud silliness we ever shared involved him chowing down on Megyn’s chicken lunch – save for the asparagus he didn’t lay a paw on. You can see the photographic evidence below and take a trip down memory lane here.

We wish we could tell you that was the first and last time it happened, but, as you know, it wasn’t. Strudwick intercepted Megyn’s soup delivery from the front porch back in February, and he’s snacked on countless other treats since (allow us to submit exhibit A, exhibit B, exhibit C… we could go on).
But it’s not just Megyn’s lunch that Strud fancies. Earlier this week, he somehow managed to get into Abby’s lunchbox. As Megyn’s assistant, Abby is well aware of Strudwick’s insatiable appetite, which is why she is always sure to put her food out of reach. This time around, she placed her bag with a homemade salad, fruit, and chips on top of a cabinet in the kitchen (i.e. seemingly out of reach) before momentarily going upstairs.
We know Strud well enough to know that a moment is all he needs. By the time she got back, her lunchbox was on the ground, her plastic salad container was chewed up, and the remnants of her meal were on the family room floor where Strud’s sister Thunder was also enjoying a nibble.

While we can’t be sure Strud realized the full-circle nature of his decision to gobble up Abby’s lunch a year after we kicked this all off with a similar situation, we’d like to think he knows how to give the people what they want. He might be – in Abby’s words – “a little rascal,” but he also couldn’t be any cuter.

So, here’s to another year of wondering what Strudwick could possibly do next!
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