Megyn Has an Update on ‘Paulie from Queens’ and Shares Why He Is Her ‘Dream’ Guest


Over the last several weeks, Megyn has shown countless examples of pro-Hamas and anti-Israel protesters ripping down the posters hung in cities around the world to raise awareness for the hostages taken from Israel on October 7. In many cases, the perpetrators act incredulous when caught in the act. But, every once in a while, they get more than they bargained for. 

That’s exactly what happened in Queens, New York last week, when a construction worker known only as “Paulie” went viral for confronting a man removing signs from lampposts in a Jewish section of the borough. In true New York fashion, the language was colorful but the message was clear and important. 

On Wednesday’s show, Megyn shared an update on Paulie and explained why he is her “dream” guest.

Paulie from Queens

Last Friday, a group of New York City construction workers got out of their truck to confront a man in the Forest Hills section of Queens who was tearing down fliers of hostages and stuffing them in a bag.

That’s when Paulie got involved and delivered the now-viral tirade. “If you know Queens, when a Paulie shows up, you better be ready for a smackdown,” Megyn quipped on Monday’s show. “Paulie works construction. He’s not Jewish, but he didn’t like what he saw the man doing and handled it New York style.”

“I’m not f-cking Jewish. He’s not Jewish. I don’t know if he is or not. It doesn’t f-cking matter. This is the f-ucking USA. This is New York City. You don’t have a f-cking right to touch that sh-t. This is a free country. You can wave your Palestine flag and say ‘Death to the Jews or America’ or whatever you want. But we can put up f-cking signs. Okay? Don’t rip that down… You’re offending me. When you throw that on the floor, you are littering the city. In a minute, I am going to litter on the f-cking floor with you. So, move the f-ck on. Do you have proof they’re not kidnapped? No. So, shut the f-ck up… I’m dying to f-cking put you in the hospital.”

– Paulie

Megyn noted that was she “loved so much” about the clip is that Paulie “gets everything” – “he gets that you have a right to say the stuff, even if the stuff is hateful, because this is America, but I have the right to come yell at you and get in your face about what you’ve just done; and you don’t have the right to tear down my posters.” 

Megyn’s ‘Dream’ Guest

In Megyn’s view, Paulie and those like him “are the answer” because they are not afraid to stand up for what is right. Her suspicions were only further confirmed when a reporter caught up with Paulie on the street to ask him about his new-found fame.

“I’m not a superstar. I’m just a regular guy who didn’t like what I saw. It shouldn’t be celebrated, what I did, it should be normal. Everyone should react like that. It shouldn’t be a news story that someone doesn’t like posters of murdered children, kidnapped children, being taken down. This should be the norm – not the exception. What that guy was doing should be the exception.”

– Paulie

Megyn said his graciousness is telling. “He’s humble… He doesn’t want attention. He’s not going to call himself a superstar. He wasn’t looking to be made famous,” she concluded. “One one of these days, I’m going to get Paulie on the show. It’s my dream.”

You can check out Megyn’s full analysis by tuning in to episode 660 on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you like to listen. And don’t forget that you can catch The Megyn  Kelly Show live on SiriusXM’s Triumph (channel 111) weekdays from 12pm to 2pm ET.