Is Strudwick making a play for a new career? We know Strud has tried his hand at being a chef, a dancer, a musician, and a gardener (to name a few). And now it looks like he has taken an interest in… plumbing.
Earlier this week, Megyn and Doug needed to call in a plumber to service their hot water heater. While the professional was hard at work, Strud decided to do a little — shall we say — research.
We’ll let Megyn tell the rest:
“Strud got into the plumber’s van. How do I know this? Because after he left, the spot where his truck was parked revealed a huge pile of glue and a plumber’s glue gun. At first we thought he just forgot it, but then I found this tool on the lawn. It soon became clear what had happened, and now I am googling ‘how to remove glue from dog paws.’ Wish me luck.”
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