Megyn Slams ‘Congressional Kardashian’ AOC Dancing on Stage to X-Rated Cardi B Song at Bronx Rally

AP Photo / Bryan Woolston

Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) – the school principal turned progressive ‘Squad’ member who came under fire last year for pulling the fire alarm in a Congressional building – is desperately trying to stave off a more moderate primary challenger.

His last ditch effort came over the weekend at a rally in the Bronx that was attended by fellow New York leftist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The duo’s bizarre behavior at the event led many to wonder if it will prove to be the final straw for the embattled congressman.

AOC’s Antics

Footage from Saturday’s campaign rally at a park shows AOC kicking things off by bounding up the stairs to the small stage as an X-rated Cardi B song was pumped through the speakers. 

The congresswoman, who was wearing khaki shorts and a white tank top with a blouse on top, tried to motivate the crowd by jumping around and throwing her hands in the air. She initially had her hair tied back in a bun on the oppressively hot day but ripped the hair tie out at one point during the dramatic entrance.

She shouted various rallying cries into the microphone – including “are you ready to fight?” – before delivering her prepared remarks. According to The New York Post, she was so aggressively shaking the podium at one point that she knocked over the microphones.

Bowman later addressed the crowd with a profanity-laced tirade in which he reportedly bellowed, “We are gonna show f–king AIPAC [American Israel Public Affairs Committee] the power of the motherf–king South Bronx.” It should be noted that his district does not include the South Bronx.

‘This Was a Fail’

Megyn likened AOC’s blustering to CNN anchor Kasie Hunt’s attempted show of strength when ending her interview with Trump spokesperson Karoline Leavitt on Monday. “[Osacio-Cortez] is yet another poser,” Megyn said. “She doesn’t have it. She’s not exciting. She can do social media… but this was a fail.”

The entire thing, in Megyn’s view, felt forced. “She was trying to look like some boxer going into the arena in her weird little khaki shorts and taking hair down – which is a sex move, not a ‘fire you up for the [election]’ move,” she explained. “And her voice was over-modulated screaming into the mic.”

Contrary to the ‘star’ status often bestowed on the 34 year old, Megyn said AOC lacks substance. “Please stop trying to govern and, God forbid, inspire us because you’re equally bad at both of those things,” she concluded. “You’re not Cardi B. You’re not Muhammad Ali. You’re a Congressional Kardashian, and that’s what you want to be… Just admit it.” 

You can check out Megyn’s full interview with Erickson by tuning in to episode 820 on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you like to listen. And don’t forget that you can catch The Megyn Kelly Show live on SiriusXM’s Triumph (channel 111) weekdays from 12pm to 2pm ET.