‘Just Listen’: Megyn Slams the White House Press Corps After More Examples of Journalistic Malpractice Emerge

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

The media wants us to believe that they have somehow been betrayed by the Biden administration, but the evidence says otherwise. Take, for instance, the radio interviews President Biden gave right after the debate.

Interview Questions

Two of the radio hosts – WURD’s Andrea Lawful-Sanders and Civic Media’s Earl Ingram – got caught just repeating the questions that the Biden team spoon fed to them. Lawful-Sanders was later fired. They both should have been. I have nothing against them, but they embarrassed themselves and their networks. You do not do that. It is a hard no. 

To be fair, it is not unusual for an interview subject – whether it is a senator or the White House or what have you – to say, ‘He really loves to talk about his XYZ bill’ or ‘he’s coming on to promote this thing he sponsored.’ That is par for the course in journalism. It is how you get access and get a ‘yes’ to the interview. To be handed the actual questions they want you to ask and then to do it? No, that is a bridge too far.

Interview Edits

There is another report from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that a Milwaukee radio station is now admitting it agreed to make edits to Ingram’s interview at the request of the Biden campaign. This was not, like, he spat during one of the answers. It would be normal to not embarrass anybody. No, these were substantive edits that obviously made the president look bad.

The first edit was in an answer about five minutes into the interview when Biden touted the diversity of his administration. “And in addition to that, I have more blacks in my administration than any other president, all other presidents combined, and in major positions, cabinet positions,” he said, according to the station, in the part that was removed.

I’m only going to guess why they took this out. It is not unusual in today’s day and age to hear people refer to the black population as ‘blacks’ and the white population is ‘whites,’ but that is not how you are allowed to talk if you are a Democrat. You have to use 10 other words to describe black people and you have to capitalize ‘black’ too.

At the 14:15 mark, in reference to Donald Trump’s call for the death penalty for the Central Park Five, they apparently removed, “I don’t know if they even call for their hanging or not, but he–but they said […] convicted of murder.” 

It seems like he was inarticulate. He was admitting a lack of knowledge about the case, and he sounded a little lost. If that is why you are taking it out, that is not okay because you are then both on the same page about making Biden look good or not.

A Negligent Press Corps

But here is my point: What we have learned this week is the White House press corps that literally gets paid to follow President Biden around 24/7 and do nothing other than report on him did not care to look into or realize that a neurologist visited the White House at least nine times over the past year – and now even the White House admits three of those were to see Biden.

They also did not know that he was giving written questions, in advance, to many in the press who were interviewing him. We saw it with the Los Angeles Times last year, and we saw it with these radio hosts over the weekend. The press did not catch on to the fact that he is asking for substantive edits and others are going along with it. There is now reporting on how all the questions that these radio hosts ask are the same. How did that happen? Oh, it’s because they were provided. 

Just listen. Their only job is to listen to his interviews and listen to him. What is he saying? This is all they have to do. But they did not because they did not care about reporting anything that might make him look bad. 

They did not know that he was requiring his cabinet officials to submit their talking points to him in advance and vice versa. They did not jump up and down over the fact that, behind the scenes, there has only been one full cabinet meeting. The last one was in October. They did not report on the toddler-like instructions he has been getting to make sure he gets on stage at events.

None of this was reported by this White House press corps. And yet, now they want us to believe none of this is their fault.

You can check out Megyn’s full analysis by tuning in to episode 836 on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you like to listen. And don’t forget that you can catch The Megyn Kelly Show live on SiriusXM’s Triumph (channel 111) weekdays from 12pm to 2pm ET.