Who Is Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz? Megyn Takes a Closer Look at Kamala Harris’ Radical Running Mate

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After much speculation, Kamala Harris finally announced she has chosen Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her 2024 running mate. 

The pick was a surprise to those who believed Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro (a.k.a. the popular governor of the ever-important swing state) was the frontrunner. But Harris ultimately nodded to the progressive wing of the Democrat Party in her selection of the Bernie Sanders-endorsed Walz.

On Tuesday’s show, Megyn reacted to Harris’ choice and took a closer look at Walz’s background to show why he represents a radical choice for the Democratic ticket.

Why Walz?

Only time will tell whether Walz helps or hurts Harris’ chances of winning the White House, but Megyn said there is no denying the GOP sees this pick as a best case scenario. “Republicans are expressing a huge sigh of relief in response to this,” she noted. “They definitely did not want Shapiro… and, as it turns out, neither did she.”

Megyn called the move “somewhat surprising” given the stakes. “Many did suspect that she would do the practical thing and go for the swing state governor… of Pennsylvania, Josh Shapiro,” she explained. “He is a little bit more moderate – I mean, anyone would be – and he comes from a state she must win if she wants to get to 270 [electoral votes].”

But, in Megyn’s view, Shapiro’s Jewish heritage and past support of Israel likely worked against him. “There is no question that the party has gone so radical. It is [Squad member] Ilan Omar’s party now,” she noted. “Shapiro may have become an issue due to the growing pro-Hamas faction of the Democratic Party.”

Walz’s Radical Resume

And while the media and left are, in Megyn’s words, “already working to brand Walz as a moderate representation of middle America,” the resume of the congressman-turned-governor of the historically ‘blue wall’ state tells a different story. “He is from a state that just changed his flag to represent that of Somalia,” Megyn quipped. “So, it’s a win [for the left].”

Here is a look at where Walz stands on some of the key issues of the 2024 election:

On Illegal Immigration

As Megyn explained, Walz is “not moderate” and she ticked off a few of his policies that prove it. “Driver’s licenses for illegals? Check. Free tuition for illegals? Check. Free health insurance for illegals? Check,” she listed. “Who pays for that, again? Does Governor Walz just draft an imaginary check from an imaginary pot of money? Oh, wait, no, it’s the taxpayers.”

On Social Issues

He has been in support of radical gender ideology. “He is all for teenagers undergoing life-altering gender surgeries and, by the way, he wants to take your child away from you if you won’t okay them,” Megyn noted. “He supports putting tampons in the boys bathrooms for kids as young as the fourth grade.”

On Law and Order

Additionally, the Trump-Vance campaign has wasted no time painting the Harris-Walz ticket as anti-law enforcement for their actions in the wake of George Floyd’s death in May 2020. While speaking with reporters on Tuesday, J.D. Vance framed the pick this way:

VANCE: This is a guy who has proposed shipping more manufacturing jobs to China, who wants to make the American people more reliant on garbage energy energy instead of good American energy, and he’s proposed defunding the police just as Kamala Harris does…

They make an interesting tag team because, of course, Tim Walz allowed rioters to burn down Minneapolis in the summer of 2020 and then the few who got caught Kamala Harris helped bail them out of jail.

So, it is more instructive for what it says about Kamala Harris that she doesn’t care about the border, she doesn’t care about crime, she doesn’t care about American energy and, most importantly, she doesn’t care about the Americans who have been made to suffer under those policies.

Megyn noted that Walz, who was arrested for DUI in 1995 after being caught on police radar driving 96 mph in a 55 mph zone, will be scrutinized for what happened in Minneapolis after Floyd’s death. “He’s got an arrest record and maybe that is one of the reasons why he was so empathetic toward the BLM protesters who ruined one of Minnesota’s greatest, biggest cities,” she explained. “He sat for days and let it burn, notwithstanding urgent pleas from the mayor of Minneapolis who was also a hot mess. But this too will come back to haunt him because what happened in Minneapolis was dark.”


Despite the rioting and protests that Walz allowed in Minnesota at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, he implemented some of the most aggressive stay-at-home policies. “He also loved the COVID lockdowns,” Megyn said. “He actually set up a hotline for one neighbor to report on another neighbor for not complying with his draconian orders. That’s who he is, that’s who [Harris] is, and that actually is who most Democrats are. They loved the COVID overreach.”

On Background

And then there are the questions surrounding his time in the Minnesota National Guard. “What will likely be a massive issue for Gov. Walz… is he is being accused of misleading voters on his military service and dodging combat service in Iraq,” Megyn added. “Walz did serve a long and honorable career, but it is his story surrounding his service post-9/11 that raises red flags.”

The Takeaway

The selection of Walz certainly moves the Harris campaign further to the left, which many believe should help Trump. But Megyn said it is still worrisome to think what a Harris-Walz administration might look like. “Is actually else getting a little nervous,” she asked. “Like, I know it’s good thing she has selected such a radical person because I think it probably increases Trump’s chances, but I am getting a little scared at the thought of that pair in the White House.”

You can check out Megyn’s full analysis by tuning in to episode 856 on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you like to listen. And don’t forget that you can catch The Megyn Kelly Show live on SiriusXM’s Triumph (channel 111) weekdays from 12pm to 2pm ET.