If you’ve been following along, you know Strudwick’s time at the Jersey Shore this summer has been eventful to say the least. Megyn shared everything that went down in a four-part saga that included Strud communing with the animal kingdom in the backyard of their rental property, taking an adventurous dip in the bay, and commandeering the personal belongings of several guests (get caught up on part I, part II, part III, and part IV).
But the story did end on a hopeful note, as Strud (finally!) seemed to be settling into his new digs. Could it be that he was turning over a new leaf?
Literally, yes. Figuratively, the jury is still out.
While there has been a break from the most egregious behavior, that doesn’t mean Strudwick is not still up to some of his regular shenanigans. Case in point: His recent rendezvous with the basil plant.

Before the herb could be properly planted, Strud decided he wanted to taste test the latest addition to the garden. It looks like it is safe to say he approves and will no doubt be incorporating it into some of his future culinary creations.
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