‘There’s No Doubt About It’: Megyn Sets the Record Straight on Tim Walz’s Tampon Policy for Minnesota Schools

AP Photo/Jae Hong

The same dishonest, partisan hack media that is telling us Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz has not been misleading the public about his military service is also telling us he did not make the North Star State a refuge for kids with gender confusion; that he did not sign a law allowing young children fleeing their parents who do not wish for them to cut off their healthy genitals to come to Minnesota; that he did not allow the courts to take custody of these young confused children and allow minors to sterilize and mutilate themselves away from their loving parents. 

But he did. He did exactly that. 

They are also telling us that Tim Walz did not sign a law mandating tampons in all grade four through 12 bathrooms, including the boys bathrooms – except he did and there is no doubt about it.

The ‘Tampon Tim’ Debate

A writer named Jill Burcum with the Minneapolis Star Tribune wrote a piece titled “A reality check on the ‘Tampon Tim’ meme” for the editorial board over the weekend trying to argue that because the law has not yet been followed in one large school district in Minnesota (instead they are putting tampons only in the gender neutral and girls rooms) the law must not include the mandate it says it does. 

I have news for you, Jill: The fact that a school district is ignoring the law does not invalidate the law itself. And if a trans student sued that school district to borrow for non-compliance, they would win because the law says tampons must be made available to menstruating students in all bathrooms used by kids in grades four through 12. Republicans tried to amend the bill to limit it to only girls bathrooms, and that amendment was defeated. 

During a 2023 hearing on the bill, one of its sponsors, Minnesota State Rep. Sandra Feist (D), said trans boys – meaning girls pretending to be boys – need tampons too. “This bill requires that schools provide free period products in all student bathrooms grades four through 12. Trans boys menstruate, and they use boys bathrooms, and they need these products,” Feist said. “In order to ensure that all menstruating students have full access to period products, it is important that we include them in all bathrooms where trans students who menstruate may need to access them.”

That woman won the argument and now the law is perfectly clear. The mandate is unambiguous. And while Jill points to a clause that says a plan must be developed by the school district for the implementation of the law, that does not allow the law to be ignored. 

Jill, let me give you a little legal lesson because that is not how laws work. You don’t say, ‘Here’s the mandate, but you can totally ignore the mandate if you want to ignore the mandate.’ Implementation speaks to how the law will be complied with. For example, what amount of tampons to put in the boys rooms versus the girls rooms. This was actually specifically debated as the law was under consideration with an understanding that the boys rooms could have fewer supplies. 

But whether to comply with the mandate is not up for debate. Tampons to any menstruating student in all bathrooms grades four through 12 is the law. And Minnesota believes trans boys menstruate, that they use boys bathrooms, and those bathrooms must stock tampons.

The Dishonest Media

By the way, so offended was Star Tribune columnist Jill Burcum with my reporting that she encouraged yours truly to try doing some journalism – I guess to come up with a misleading, legally misguided report just like hers? 

Maybe I’ll do that Jill and become a reporter just like you who no one has ever heard of and is doing partisan hack journalism for a dishonest paper that has endorsed nothing but Democratic presidential candidates for the last 40 years. 

To be clear, you need not even be a reporter to figure out how this law works. Being able to read and understand a statute is sufficient. Maybe Jill can’t do that because she is not an attorney, but I can and the law is clear. It is a mandate. 

The point here is not to pick on some sad lady whose Democrat dreams may be endangered by her hero Tim Walz’ far-left policies. The point is Jill, her paper, and this disgusting, enabling, lying, partisan hack media are gaslighting us all on so many important issues. There is no choice for those of us who can still report truthfully other than to use our capability and platform to do so no matter what.

You can check out Megyn’s full analysis by tuning in to episode 859 on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you like to listen. And don’t forget that you can catch The Megyn Kelly Show live on SiriusXM’s Triumph (channel 111) weekdays from 12pm to 2pm ET.