Megyn Reveals How Democrats ‘Humiliated’ Joe Biden One Final Time at the DNC Monday Night

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

Last month, the Democrats pushed Joe Biden right out of the Democratic nomination for a second term. Then they told us he would get a big celebration on night one of the DNC – the prelude to his ascension to Mount Rushmore. Instead, he didn’t even make it into primetime. It was bad enough they had him booked to speak on Monday, which is where the C-stringers go. But then he got delayed right out of primetime because the DNC was behind schedule. 

In fact, he was delayed so much that his speech ended on day two of the convention. They did not put him up there until 11:30pm ET. I guess they didn’t care if people in Georgia heard him, or people in North Carolina heard him, or people in New York and Washington, DC, who drive the news cycle heard him? Okay, fine. It’s your party. 

Not to mention, it was way past the guy’s preferred bedtime. I mean, we heard him say on that call with Democratic governors last month when he was trying to assure everybody he could handle a second term that he really shouldn’t do things after 8pm anymore. And what do they do? They book him to go on at 10pm, and they don’t let him start speaking until 11:30pm. 

In the meantime, we heard a long list of no-names. Who wanted to hear from Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE)? Who gives a sh-t what he has to say? Put on Joe Biden. He is the sitting president of the United States. I’m not Joe Biden’s chief defender, but it is the least they could have done to pay the guy some respect for a lifetime of service to the Democrat Party. But no, they needed to put the final treads on Joe Biden’s back.

Biden’s Speech

When he finally took the stage, there wasn’t exactly a passing of the torch. He did say some nice things about Kamala Harris. He said he was most proud of making her his vice president. He reiterated that he “saved democracy” and she is going to preserve it. 

But the speech was mostly focused on his own lengthy political career. It was his swan song moment and, for most of it, he was shouting at us as ‘Dark Brandon Returned.’ The darker version of Joe Biden was there for virtually the entire speech, railing against former President Donald Trump and doing so with lies that have been debunked over and over and over again.

BIDEN: Donald Trump said, and I quote, ‘There are very fine people on both sides.’ My God. That’s what he said. That is what he said and what he meant… A quote from his own chief of staff, four-star General John Kelly, that Trump, when in Europe, would not go to the grave sites, one of them in France. The brave service members who gave their lives in this country, he called them suckers and losers. Who in the hell does he think he is? Who does he think he is?… He’s promising a bloodbath if he loses, in his words.

I mean, literally none of that is true. All of that is out of context. How many times does that need to be fact-checked by both sides?

“Bloodbath”? Trump was talking about the economy and what would happen in the auto industry if Joe Biden got reelected. “Dictator on day one” was said laughingly to Sean Hannity on camera about what he would do at the border. It’s kind of like what Joe Biden did with all of his executive orders undoing Trump’s border protocols. It’s so dishonest. 

Despite evidence to the contrary, Joe Biden did want you to know he is not angry about what was done to him by the Democrats.

BIDEN: It has been the honor of my lifetime to serve as your president. I love the job, but I love my country more. I love my country more. And all this talk about how I’m angry at all those people who said I should step down, it is not true.

Sure, Jan.

Pelosi’s Betrayal

And in perhaps the most stunning scene of the entire night, there was former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Brutus herself, waving a “We Love Joe” sign with the big smile – at least as big as the Botox would allow. She was trying to look like she was his number one fan. It was like something out of a horror movie. The killer is like, ‘We love you. We love you.’ as they stick the knife in and turn it and turn it. You’re dying, and she’s like, ‘But I love you.’ That is what happened there. 

The whole humiliation made me uncomfortable. As I tweeted last night, this was like watching a groom who was dumped on the morning of his wedding day then be forced to go to the wedding anyway and watch his bride marry someone else. That’s how the whole thing made me feel. 

Joe Biden didn’t want this. He didn’t want to be deposed from the nomination he had won legitimately. I get why it happened, but he didn’t want it. Then he had to show up and say nice things about Kamala. And he did that.

But they kept grandpa, at 81 years old, in a green room for hours – well past Matlock tapioca time – and then forced him to go out there at 11:30pm east coast time (i.e. the time zone in which he lives in DC and Delaware) to do this speech. No wonder he was angry.

Who Is President?

President Biden now begins a week long tour to support Kamala Harris… Oh, wait. No. He is being shipped off on vacation. Vacation from what? He has literally been sitting in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, for weeks, doing nothing. His schedule shows that, in August, he has been doing virtually nothing every day. He has like one phone call or one ceremonial appearance. And now he needs a vacation from it all?

Who is president? Who is commander in chief? 

Joe Biden is going to California. He is going to enjoy the beautiful sunsets and seashores as his party moves forward with the coronation of Vice President Kamala Harris.

You can check out Megyn’s full analysis by tuning in to episode 865 on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you like to listen. And don’t forget that you can catch The Megyn Kelly Show live on SiriusXM’s Triumph (channel 111) weekdays from 12pm to 2pm ET.