I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge a milestone for our show.
Today is our 900th episode, and it is also an anniversary for us. Tomorrow marks four years to the day that we launched The Megyn Kelly Show. We were an audio-only podcast with just a few staffers – Steve Krakauer, my executive producer, Natasha, who is a producer, Canadian Debbie, who had just joined right before we launched, and my assistant Abby. That was our staff.

I did the show sitting in my kids’ playroom in our New York City apartment with a microphone on a tiny little desk that Abby got for like $100 on Amazon because it fit in the corner (above). And here is a little bit of what I said that day:
“I need to create a show that I control, in which my only fealty will be to the audience and to the truth. So, that’s why I’m here… I’m sick and tired of the news today. And I hope to be a place that you can come for information that you trust… that you know I’m not in the bag for either side or for anybody, and [that can be] a place in which opinions – even heterodox opinions – can be expressed freely, and we can debate ideas… and then you guys are sophisticated enough and smart enough to handle it.”
– Megyn, September 28, 2020
I really did not know whether anybody would be interested in listening to the show. I am just so grateful to you all for making it clear that some people would tune in and for allowing me to do the news honestly and without fear. You have allowed me to make a living at it and, I hope, be a voice that speaks reason into the sea of dishonesty and obfuscation and gaslighting that defines our media today.
I spoke with Glenn Greenwald in episode number one (you can go back and listen to it here), and he might still be our most frequent guest on The MK Show. I love Glenn because we disagree on some things, we agree on some things, but I totally respect him and his intellect. He is always an interesting conversation – and that is the essence of the show.
Agree or disagree, the point is to share facts. I will offer my opinion, as you know, about a lot of them. You may reject my opinion, and that is totally fine. Ultimately, I think we are all on the team of sanity. We are not so far gone that we are totally outlandish and lying to ourselves in the name of advancing our political agenda. That remains the mission of the show, and I think it remains the secret behind its success.
So, thanks to all of you. I am very grateful. Here’s to many more years together.
You can check out Megyn’s full analysis by tuning in to episode 900 on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you like to listen. And don’t forget that you can catch The Megyn Kelly Show live on SiriusXM’s Triumph (channel 111) weekdays from 12pm to 2pm ET.