Kamala Harris Has a ‘Brain Glitch’ on Stephen Colbert’s Show While Rambling About Dreams

Kamala Harris’ media blitz continued Tuesday night with a visit to Stephen Colbert’s late night show on CBS, where she enjoyed a can of beer while receiving a series of softball questions. The only problem? The vice president struggled to get through them.

Case in point: Harris’ answer to Colbert’s question about voters who are looking for “change” this election cycle, in which she appeared to have, in Megyn’s word, a “brain glitch.”

On Wednesday’s show, Megyn was joined by Batya Ungar-Sargon, author of Second Class, to discuss Harris’ late night appearance and why her performance in interviews seems to be getting worse.

The ‘Glitch’

Polling shows voters are looking to elect a candidate who they believe represents “change,” which could prove problematic for Harris as a member of the incumbent administration. Even so, she is actually slightly ahead of Donald Trump among voters prioritizing “change” in the latest New York Times/Siena College poll.

Rather than use the friendly confines of Call Her Daddy, The View, Howard Stern, and The Late Show with Stephen Colbert to distance herself from President Joe Biden, she inexplicably told Sunny Hostin “nothing comes to mind” when asked if she would have done anything differently than her boss – and she had a similarly head-scratching answer for Colbert.

COLBERT: Polling shows that a lot of people, especially independent voters, really want this to be a ‘change’ election and that they tend to break for you in terms of thinking about change. You are a member of the present administration. Under a Harris administration, what would the major changes be and what would stay the same?

HARRIS: Sure. Well, I mean, I’m obviously not Joe Biden–

COLBERT: I noticed. [audience laughs]

HARRIS: –So, that would be one change. [audience laughs] But also I think it’s important to say with, you know, 28 days to go, I’m not Donald Trump. And so when we think about the significance of what this next generation of leadership looks like where I would be elected president, it is about, frankly– I, I, I love the American people and I, I believe in our country. I, I love that it was our character and nature to be an ambitious people. You know, we have aspirations, we have dreams, we have incredible work ethic, and, and I just believe that we can create and, and build upon the success we’ve achieved in a way that we continue to grow opportunity and, in that way, growth strength of our nation.

Much like the apparent teleprompter incident last week, Megyn said you can see the moment she loses her place. “She had a brain glitch. She forgot the question she was asked,” Megyn said. “You could see she drew a blank and then she went back to ‘hopes, dreams, aspirations, and work ethic,’ which… [is] her fallback… to almost everything. She is not a smart person”

As Ungar-Sargon explained, there was “a glitch” and “then she moved into the stump speech” that only addresses a small portion of voters. “Here’s the thing, she is not doing this media blitz to convince anybody to vote for her,” she said. “She is doing the media blitz to reassure the rich people who are already in her camp that she can land this thing.”

‘Is She Getting Worse?’

It is unclear, however, that she even managed to do that. While Megyn said Harris has enjoyed a series of “bootlicking” sitdowns in various environments this week, she wondered if her performances have actually gotten worse.

“I’ve asked myself as I watch her: Is she getting worse instead of better,” Megyn asked. “I have always said TV is like typing – the more of it you do, the better you get… I have never seen anybody get worse at typing the more they type, but this is what is happening to her.”

In Megyn’s view, Harris is not “improving” or “getting smoother.” Instead, she seems to have a “script” and repeats the same few lines about “hopes, dreams, and aspirations,” her “middle class background,” or her time prosecuting “transnational drug gangs” like “a computer that is programmed.”

“There is no extemporaneous expression, or thought, or musings where we can see her thinking,” Megyn said. “That is actually one of the things that makes someone more credible in an interview, when they pause and you can see them thinking it over… but she is in a full panic because she doesn’t have the confidence to speak.”

You can check out Megyn’s full interview with Ungar-Sargon by tuning in to episode 911 on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you like to listen. And don’t forget that you can catch The Megyn Kelly Show live on SiriusXM’s Triumph (channel 111) weekdays from 12pm to 2pm ET.