Megyn Fact-Checks the New ‘Enemy from Within’ Lie Pushed by the Left and Media About Donald Trump

As we’ve been reporting, the polls are tightening between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump. You can tell because Kamala Harris is starting to stink of desperation. She is clearly seeing something very alarming on her internal polls that we are just starting to see in the public polling. 

The New(ish) Strategy

Yesterday, in the context of all of this, her campaign rolled out a kind of revamped version of an old attack against Donald Trump, which is trying to demonize Trump. 

Welcome to the new strategy… It is the same as the old one. 

For years, we have heard how Trump is a threat to democracy. He is going to end the Constitution, they say, plucking from some random quote from some random tweet or Truth Social post. They are going over and over again how he will use the Department of Justice to go after his political enemies. I mean, a party that did that would be absolutely horrid. You would never want them to win the White House, would you? 

But this new(ish) line of attack is that Trump sees anyone who does not support him as “an enemy from within” against whom he might unleash the U.S. military. That is where they have gone with some comments Trump made on the campaign trail lately that do not say that. When pulled out of context, however, you could make them say anything. 

It began with this new ad released by the Harris campaign. Watch:

So, Donald Trump is basically going to have the U.S. Army show up at your front door if you don’t vote for him. That sounds ominous, but we just decided to do a little fact check of the examples in that ad. Here is what we found.

Fact Check #1

In the first clip, you heard Trump say the worst people are the enemies from within. The clip was taken from a rally he held in Coachella, California, this past weekend. In the full clip, Trump was talking specifically about Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA).

TRUMP: The worst people are the enemies from within; the sleaze bags like the guy that you’re going to elect in the Senate, Shifty Adam Schiff. He’s a sleaze bag.

Voters need to remember that it was Schiff who pushed the ‘Russian collusion’ lie for years against Trump. He eventually got censured for being a liar and said he wore it like a badge of honor. He promoted it all over MSNBC – daytime and primetime. He couldn’t get enough of the cameras to say how bad Trump was. 

He read the Steele Dossier into the Congressional record. When the investigation fell apart, he never owned it. He never apologized. He never showed any remorse because he feels none. He tried to ruin Trump’s first term with a phony lie about him being a Russian agent. Schiff has wanted to see Trump impeached, thrown out of office, and he has been hoping and praying to see Donald Trump led away in handcuffs. 

Maybe that is why Donald Trump sees him as the enemy. It is what Schiff loves to be when it comes to Donald Trump. So, please keep that in mind when you see these dishonest ads.

Fact Check #2

Next up in the ad, you hear Trump say, “The enemy from within are more dangerous than Russia.” This was taken from a rally in Wisconsin on October 6. He was actually talking about fascists, Marxists, and communists that he believes are pulling the strings in Washington, DC. 

TRUMP: The enemy from within – the crazy lunatics that we have, the fascists, the Marxists, the communists, the people that we have that are actually running in the country, not her. She’s not running it, and Biden’s not running it either, and you all know that. Those people are more dangerous, the enemy from within, than Russia and China. 

This is a generic political argument. ‘These people are our enemies.’ He says the press is the “enemy of the people” because they are working against the will of the people to undermine democracy. Democrats say this stuff all the time. This is not about arresting private citizens in their home or unleashing the Navy SEALS as you go for a swim in the Atlantic Ocean because you voted for Kamala Harris. 

Fact Check #3

The last example in her ad is one the Harris campaign and corporate media are really seizing on in the ad. Trump says we have some very bad people who should be very easily handled by the military and have paratroopers landing in your backyard wanting to see how you voted. 

It was taken from an interview he just did with Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business this past Sunday. The question Trump was asked was whether he was expecting any chaos on election day. And the reason she asked him that is because President Joe Biden recently said he is concerned Election Day will not be peaceful, and he is clearly suggesting Trump supporters will be responsible for that. 

In setting up the question she posed to Trump, Bartiromo reminded Trump that since he has left office, many foreign nationals have illegally come over the border. So, she kind of raises two issues. In one, she says we have illegals here who are murderers. And in the other, she noted that Joe Biden says we are going to have chaos on Election Day. 

In Trump’s answer, he is talking about possible Election Day chaos – which she raised and Biden raised – in reference to leftist radicals and the potential use of the National Guard and military if things spin out of control. 

BARTIROMO: What about that, though? Are you expecting chaos on Election Day?

TRUMP: No, I don’t think so. Not from the side that votes for Trump. 

BARTIROMO: But I’m just wondering if these outside agitators will start up on Election Day. Let’s say you win. I mean, let’s not, let’s, let’s remember, you’ve got 50,000 Chinese nationals in this country in the last couple of years. There are people on the terrorist watch list – 350 in the last couple of years. You got, like you said, 13,000 murderers and 15,000 rapists. What are you expecting? Joe Biden said he doesn’t think it’s going to be a peaceful Election Day. 

TRUMP: Well, he doesn’t have any idea what’s happening. He spends most of his day sleeping. I think the bigger problem is the enemy from within, not even the people that have come in and destroying our country – by the way, totally destroying our country. The towns, the villages, they’re being inundated. But I don’t think they’re the problem in terms of Election Day. I think the bigger problem are the people from within. We have some very bad people. We have some sick people, radical left lunatics. And I think they’re the– and it should be very easily handled by, if necessary, by National Guard or, if really necessary, by the military because they can’t let that happen.

What he is saying makes perfect sense. Who organized all these protests on college campuses? Who funded the tents and wanted chaos on the campuses? People like George Soros because he wants a very different agenda than a capitalist, free society like we actually have here in America. 

What do you think Donald Trump is thinking about there? He is thinking about the chaos that Joe Biden says is going to happen on Election Day, and he is saying, ‘I would not let that sh-t spin out of control like we have seen in other situations.’ He is saying, ‘If I need the National Guard to maintain order around an election, then I will use it.’ He is not saying he is going to go arrest people in their homes who don’t vote for Trump. It is just ridiculous. 

Last night, Harris and her running mate, Gov. Tim Walz, clearly thought they had a live one though.

WALZ: …Americans who don’t support him. Just to be clear, if any of your neighbors or friends or anybody thinks about that, you know who he’s talking about? He’s talking about you. 

HARRIS: He’s talking about the enemy within our country, Pennsylvania. He’s talking about that he considers anyone who doesn’t support him or who will not bend to his will an enemy of our country… This is a reason I believe so strongly that a second Trump term would be a huge risk for America and dangerous. 

Could you just stop? The man has already had two assassination attempts, and that kind of rhetoric is not helpful. They are lying. The media complied. They lied, too. It is such bullsh-t. ‘Anyone who does not support him is going to get arrested or get a visit from the military’? Sure, sure.

You can check out Megyn’s full analysis by tuning in to episode 917 on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you like to listen. And don’t forget that you can catch The Megyn Kelly Show live on SiriusXM’s Triumph (channel 111) weekdays from 12pm to 2pm ET.