Megyn Explains Why Radical Trans Ideology Is Now Taking Center Stage in the 2024 Election

Americans are making their voices heard on an issue that has helped define The Megyn Kelly Show since its inception, not to mention my own life in recent years. It is not a personal issue for me. It is just an important issue as a citizen that is now front center in the 2024 campaign. It’s about time. 

I am talking about the transing of our children and the erosion of women’s and girls’ rights.

The Rise of Radical Gender Ideology

There are few, if any, shows that have done more on this topic than we have here. We launched as an audio-only podcast in September 2020 and the following month, in episode 12, I interviewed Abigail Shrier about her groundbreaking book Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters.

Since then, we’ve covered the dangerous ideology that have been forced on us and our children in our schools and our communities – from the genital surgeries on healthy young boys and girls that cut off perfectly healthy body parts to the detransitioners who have been hurt by this insane ideology and get ignored by the media and rejected by the community that love bombed them into doing this to themselves in the first place. 

We have discussed the impact on sports as boys and men invade women’s spaces and sports and take their prize money and the glory of winning away from them in contests that are neither fair nor safe. I interviewed Kellie-Jay Keen in early 2023, and she really convinced me that it was time to stop using these so-called ‘preferred pronouns.’ I publicly resolved to do so in episode 564.

I get emotional thinking about it because it is just like what we have done to ourselves? What have we done to our kids? What have we done in ceding this whole argument to the trans activists who are so vicious? Nine times out of 10 they are men posing as women trying to stifle and shut up women and girls who are speaking up for themselves and their rights. It has gone on for too long. 

While we were all asleep, they got laws changed in state after state. And only now has the sleeping giant been awoken to what they did – and we need to fight back. This topic has turned me into an almost single-issue voter, and I did predict that this would be a critical topic in the 2024 race. I didn’t realize it would take quite so long, but better late than ever.

The Media Is Paying Attention

Finally, these Republicans are waking up to the fact that the electorate is not in favor of this stuff – not Democrats or Republicans, never mind independents. In fact, according to an October 8 article in The New York Times, the Trump campaign’s most-aired ad in recent weeks about Kamala Harris has to do with this issue. Watch:

This past Wednesday, Fox News’s Bret Baier sat down with Harris and asked her about the ad. He asked her if she is still in support of using taxpayer dollars to help imprison inmates or detained illegal aliens to transition to another gender? She gave a non-answer about how she will “follow the law” and then called the issue “quite remote.”

“Quite remote,” you say. And yet that “quite remote” issue is making headlines on both the left and right and becoming a serious problem for Team Blue because, in reality, Vice President Harris, it impacts all of us – every single person who gives a damn about children and about women’s rights.

According to the Times, privately “Democratic strategists concede that the transgender attacks are taking a toll in some states.” And guess which states those are? The critical swing states in this election. The Times noted that ads on the topic have been running in key Senate races, including in Montana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Texas. 

The Wall Street Journal editorial board wrote on October 13 that “transgender sports is a 2024 sleeper issue.” Welcome to the party Wall Street Journal. This has been an important issue for a long time, but these highbrow mainstream media types have been totally ignoring it. 

The Wall Street Journal went so far to suggest it might cost Democrats control of Congress this year. Hello, we’ve been telling you all along. This is a huge issue. It doesn’t have the support of the majority of Americans. What it needed was media coverage. That’s it.

The House and Senate

In House and Senate races, it is not about swing states. It is about sheer, raw numbers. Republicans need to win two seats in the Senate to take control, and it is a great year for them to do it. If they don’t do it this cycle, it doesn’t look good for them next time around because they will be defending a lot more seats. 

They are going to win retiring Sen. Joe Manchin’s seat in West Virginia, and it looks good for them in Montana – although nothing is a lock. If they could win another seat or two beyond that, it would give them some padding and potentially cover Texas where Sen. Ted Cruz is in a real knife fight to save his seat.

All of this is to say, the GOP would like to run up their numbers. And that is where these other states come in. Ohio is a possible win for them with Democrat incumbent Sen. Sherrod Brown facing Republican challenger Bernie Moreno. Brown is currently dealing with the fallout of his past support of trans issues that are highlighted in an ad. Watch:

Sen. Brown released a counter-attack ad suggesting this just isn’t true, and he is now getting hit by the left for that. He is in a tough position because he has to convince the normies in Ohio that he is not for all the stuff that he is for without irritating the left-wing folks. They are not going to vote for the Republican, but they might just not vote at all if this is their big issue. It depresses enthusiasm.

These incumbent Democrats have very little wiggle room, as Wisconsin Democratic Sen. Tammy Baldwin is discovering. Not so long ago, she was considered a shoo-in for reelection. Now, her race is turning into more of a nail biter. The Senate Leadership Fund is running an ad saying she is “too extreme for Wisconsin” and “supported providing puberty bloggers and sex change surgeries to minor children.”

The issue was also front and center at this week’s fiery Senate debate in Texas where Sen. Cruz is trying to fend off a stronger than expected challenge from Democratic Congressman Colin Allred, who has a very extensive history of supporting radical gender ideology.

My Texas viewers and listeners – and I know we have a ton of them – please listen to me now: Colin Allred is not only on the wrong side of this, but he lied to you in that debate when he said he does not support boys playing in girls sports. It is not just like he took one little position that he is trying to disavow. I laid out the depths of his stance it in the video above.

The Numbers Don’t Lie

Thanks to the Times and WSJ giving this topic attention, CNN was finally forced to acknowledge this is becoming quite an issue in the 2024 election.

In the wake of the WSJ op-ed, CNN analyst Harry Enten ran through the numbers and concluded it is not good for the left. “The bottom line is Republicans are running on this issue because it’s a winning issue for them,” he said. “In fact, it’s a rare issue that unites Republicans and divides Democrats.”

When asked the question “think transgender athletes should only plan teams that match their birth gender?”, Enten reported that 48 percent of Democrats agree with that idea while 47 percent oppose. Among Republicans, 93 percent agree versus just 6 percent who oppose.

This issue is not going away.

You can check out Megyn’s full analysis by tuning in to episode 920 on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you like to listen. And don’t forget that you can catch The Megyn Kelly Show live on SiriusXM’s Triumph (channel 111) weekdays from 12pm to 2pm ET.