It is so fun watching the leftist meltdown over Joe Biden pardoning Hunter Biden and their wrestling with, ‘Why did he do this to us?’ I will tell you why: It is because he is a lying liar who lies. Again, consume other media, people! Try to expand your horizons, and then you won’t feel so stupid all the time.
Can you imagine being one of these viewers of MSNBC and that is your only news source? I don’t mean the ironic viewers like most of us. I mean those who are just now realizing, ‘Oh my, maybe Trump didn’t collude with Russia. Maybe he didn’t actually do anything wrong with that phone call with Ukraine. Maybe Trump has a point about the weaponization of the Department of Justice. Maybe those so-called experts who attacked him actually weren’t really all that reliable.’ And now, finally, ‘Maybe Joe Biden actually isn’t all that honest. Is it possible he was intending on doing this pardon all along?’
Hello, you don’t have to watch Fox News. You don’t have to watch The Megyn Kelly Show. But I would suggest you do because we are actually very fair and, as somebody recently commented on one of our episodes, “relentlessly factual.” Thank you, Megyn Kelly Show viewer. We are relentlessly factual.
But my point to those who feel blindsided by the news is: Just expand. That is all I am asking. Expand. You don’t have to eliminate MSNBC entirely, but you are being misled on a daily basis. That is why you feel so dumb and confused all the time as these houses of cards continue to collapse week after week, month after month.
The Dueling Narratives
And it is not just MSNBC. We’ve also got The New York Times – another outlet that got it so wrong – now trying to spin its way out of this. You see, President Biden had a legitimate change of heart late on a Saturday evening on Nantucket under a “dark sky.” That is how he finally came to this realization. It was totally in good faith… just up until the dark sky came.
On the flip side, there are those who are publicly attacking Joe Biden for what they say is a “legacy defining” mistake. We are seeing this “legacy defining” terminology a lot of places and I think it is from people who are mad at Joe Biden for not stepping aside earlier. They blame him for the fact that Kamala Harris lost. And while they had to go through 107 days of claiming, ‘He is going to go on Mount Rushmore for this selfless decision to pass the baton,’ they really were angry with him all along because they didn’t really think she could do it.
They were right and now they are saddled with Trump 2.0, which they are very unhappy about. As a result, it is apparently fine to just be like ‘Biden sucks’ and the pardon is as good an excuse as any to say his legacy is ruined. ‘You know, we were totally willing to go with the Mount Rushmore route. It wasn’t because of the loss. It is because of the pardon. It is because we are a party of principles and we don’t break our word.’ Sure, Jan.
The Net-Net
It is just super fun to watch these narratives take hold. There is the spiraling of ‘He has tarnished the legacy’ running side by side with ‘Under a dark sky, he had a last minute change of heart.’ It is very different messaging depending on which pocket of the Democratic Party you are looking at.
But the fact of the matter is they are all lies – as was Joe Biden’s promise not to pardon Hunter; as was virtually everything Hunter and Joe Biden have ever said about Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings.
You can check out Megyn’s full analysis by tuning in to episode 955 on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you like to listen. And don’t forget that you can catch The Megyn Kelly Show live on SiriusXM’s Triumph (channel 111) weekdays from 12pm to 2pm ET.