Chuck Todd Trashes Joe Biden’s ‘Family Man’ Charade as Media Starts Telling the Truth About His Fitness for Office

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Four months on from the Democrats’ crushing losses in the November election, sober reflections about the liability that was Joe Biden are coming from unlikely sources.

Former Meet the Press anchor Chuck Todd delivered a scathing rebuke of the former president’s sincerity during an appearance on Lincoln Project co-founder Steve Schmidt’s The Warning podcast over the weekend.

On Tuesday’s show, Megyn was joined by the hosts of The Fifth Column – Kmele Foster, Michael Moynihan, and Matt Welch – to discuss the criticism and why the truth is finally coming out.

The Interview

During an interview that dropped Sunday, Schmidt and Todd discussed why Democrats lost the 2024 election and the role Biden played in it. For starters, Todd believes he never should have run for president in 2020 – let alone 2024.

“Joe Biden never should have been there in the first place, right? Number one, he shouldn’t have run for president [in 2020],” he said. “I completely got so angry at Joe Biden, the man, when I read the transcript of the Hunter Biden trial and when I realized that not one, not two, but three Biden children… were all dealing with drug problems in 2018 and Joe Biden and Jill Biden said, ‘Now’s a perfect time to run for president because who cares about our family?'”

Todd said that information undermined the illusion Biden created. “I have to tell you something about Joe Biden. There’s this mythology about Joe Biden that the man cared so much, it’s all bullsh-t,” he continued. “This man supposedly cared so much about his family… it created a myth and he did it for 40 years – God bless him – that he was this incredible family man.”

The reality, in Todd’s view, was far more sinister. “What he really was a craven political animal that was desperate,” he said. “The man considered or ran for president every four years He was eligible.”

To add insult to injury, Schmidt said he wouldn’t trust the caretaking abilities of anyone in the Biden clan. “If I had to leave the kids with someone and my choices are Hunter Biden or Ashley Biden or Don Jr. and Eric and Lara Trump, like, I’m dropping the kids off at Don and Eric and Lara’s house,” he said.

‘Truth Bombs’

The candor was stunning from two men who played a role in passing off Biden’s shortcomings – character, cognitive, and otherwise – throughout his presidency. “Bit by bit – some distance out from the November election and the debacle of the June debate with Biden and Trump – truth bombs are starting to emerge here, there, and everywhere,” Megyn noted.

Even so, the “truth bombs” have a familiar ring to them. “Didn’t all four of us talk about this exact thing… for several years? Like, ‘Your family is falling apart and you are running as a family man? What the hell are you doing?’ It’s crazy to see this,” Welch said. “Chuck Todd, dude, welcome to whatever this is. But that stuff about Joe Biden being a family man… and it being a bunch of horse pucky, and people knowing that it is horse pucky, and that his family is an absolute catastrophe – what part of that is new?”

What is new, Moynihan said, is Todd and Schmidt are talking about it. “This is somebody saying, ‘I knew this for a long time, I thought this for a long time, and I decided to not make it public. I decided not to talk about it.’ Why not? Because you were a straight news man? No, you were talking about other things,” he explained. “I guarantee you, if you go and look at what Chuck Todd said for the past eight years, you are definitely going to find some things that are sharp elbowed and that have opinions, but that opinion was left out.”

As a result, the credibility of the legacy media is further eroded. “Nobody looks at this stuff like, ‘This is bravery.’ It just undermines people’s confidence in the mainstream media that doesn’t need any more undermining,” Moynihan said. “What people when they see that they’re like, ‘There is a kind of conspiracy in the media of silence because they don’t like Donald Trump and they don’t want him to win, so, therefore, let’s thumb the scales for this guy.’ It’s kind of gross.”

You can check out Megyn’s full interview with The Fifth Column by tuning in to episode 1,018 on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you like to listen. And don’t forget that you can catch The Megyn Kelly Show live on SiriusXM’s Triumph (channel 111) weekdays from 12pm to 2pm ET.