The Strudwick File: Tortilla Delight

The Strudwick File: Tortilla Delight
Megyn, Doug, and the kids are enjoying a holiday vacation this week. But before they left for their trip, Strudwick had one last shenanigan up his sleeve. For one of their final meals at home, Megyn was making fajitas… you can probably imagine where this is going. Those scraps of plastic on the floor once …
The Strudwick File: Strud Cuts a Rug, Part II

The Strudwick File: Strud Cuts a Rug, Part II
Strudwick often leaves us scratching our heads. For instance, what led him to steal Yates’ new sneakers, dismember a pufferfish pumpkin, destroy an emoji pillow, or any of the other shenanigans he treated us to this year? Even so, we usually can somewhat rationalize what may have happened. Not this time. Megyn went into her …
The Strudwick File: Sneaker Snatcher

The Strudwick File: Sneaker Snatcher
This week we are learning that Sir Strudwick has a stylish streak – and he is also a thief. Megyn’s husband Doug was outside playing fetch with Strud the other morning when he discovered something out of place on the lawn and promptly texted her a picture: Yes, those are their son Yates’ never-worn sneakers …
The Strudwick File: The Package Protection Program, Part III

The Strudwick File: The Package Protection Program, Part III
We love a good follow up here at The Strudwick File – and, boy, do we have one for you this week. If you are a regular reader, you may remember that Megyn and Doug had to take special measures to protect their packages while they were at their beach house over the summer: Things …
The Strudwick File: A Pre-Thanksgiving Feast

The Strudwick File: A Pre-Thanksgiving Feast
We know Strudwick has been on more of a feeding frenzy than usual lately (you can get caught up on that saga here), and he is showing no signs of slowing down. Earlier this week, Megyn returned home from driving her kids to school to discover Strudwick chowing down on a pre-Thanksgiving feast. “Got back …
The Strudwick File: Hunger Games

The Strudwick File: Hunger Games
In the wake of Strudwick’s recent Halloween horror story that resulted in him needing an endoscopy to search for a stomach obstruction, Megyn has been trying to get Strud to eat a little healthier. Let’s just say the new food plan seems to be having some unintended consequences. Megyn let Strudwick outside to relieve himself …
What Were Megyn’s Dogs Doing in Her Studio that Distracted Her During the Show?

What Were Megyn’s Dogs Doing in Her Studio that Distracted Her During the Show?
The fog of weekend rest and relaxation – or, in Megyn’s case, a trip with friends – can be hard to lift on a Monday morning in and of itself, but Megyn had an extra distraction in her studio to start the week. At the top of Monday’s show, Megyn was prepared to deliver opening …
The Strudwick File: Something to Taco About

The Strudwick File: Something to Taco About
Everyone loves a good taco Tuesday, but Strudwick gave Megyn and her family something to taco about when he decided to sample one of the key ingredients. “Taco night is going to be a little less awesome this week,” Megyn noted when she found Strudwick in the living room licking up the last of the …
The Strudwick File: A Halloween Horror Story

The Strudwick File: A Halloween Horror Story
I have a Halloween horror story for you that involves a pufferfish pumpkin and my Strudwick. As you may remember from last year, we like to make this pumpkin as a family that has candy corn attached to it. You can put it the candy corns flat or you can make them stick out. It …
The Strudwick File: Falling for Fall Foliage, Part II

The Strudwick File: Falling for Fall Foliage, Part II
Last week, Megyn shared that Strud had decided to turn her fall decorations into a snack when he chowed down on one of the decorative cabbages in her seasonal display. He must have really enjoyed it because he went back for more. As it turns out, Megyn had a second cabbage set out in another …
The Strudwick File: Falling for Fall Foliage

The Strudwick File: Falling for Fall Foliage
If you are a regular reader of The Strudwick File, you know there is little if anything Strudwick won’t eat or destroy if given the chance (think: footballs, Abby’s lunch, pillows, cereal, etc.). So, it is always noteworthy when Strud rejects his stolen goods. That is exactly what happened earlier this week when he got …
The Strudwick File: Thunder Turns the Tables

The Strudwick File: Thunder Turns the Tables
If you recall The Strudwick File from a few weeks ago, Strudwick joined Megyn for a coffee talk moment at the kitchen table. At the time, Megyn told us the behavior was “not allowed” but “irresistible.” New photographic evidence seems to suggest Strud and his sister Thunder didn’t get the “not allowed” memo. Earlier this …