The Strudwick File: Start Spreading the News

The Strudwick File: Start Spreading the News
We’ll be the first to admit that the news can be a bit of a downer, but you would think everyone in the Kelly-Brunt household would at least have a healthy appreciation for it given Megyn’s job. Alas, Strudwick apparently does not agree. Strud beat Megyn and Doug outside the other morning and rather than …
The Strudwick File: A Stylish Sign-Off

The Strudwick File: A Stylish Sign-Off
We know that Strudwick likes to get the first look at the packages Megyn and Doug order – so much so that they installed a sign asking for deliveries to be left on the steps rather than the porch so they won’t be destroyed. While that may be having its intended effect outside, all bets …
The Strudwick File: Pizza Gate, Part III

The Strudwick File: Pizza Gate, Part III
We know there is very little (if anything) Strudwick won’t eat, but he does seem to have some favorites. Wood and anything related to the invisible fence are two, but there is no doubt that pizza is at the top of the list as well. Case in point: We’re now up to part III of …
The Strudwick File: The Package Protection Program

The Strudwick File: The Package Protection Program
Megyn and her family have made their way to the Jersey Shore with Strudwick and Thunder in tow. As a regular reader of The Strudwick File, you know Strud tends to destroy whatever is left in his path (lunches, books, invisible fence batteries, fire wood, etc.) – and that includes packages on the front porch. …
The Strudwick File: Don’t Believe Your Lion Eyes

The Strudwick File: Don’t Believe Your Lion Eyes
How does the saying go… when the parents are away, the children will play? Megyn and her family may be on vacation this week, but that doesn’t mean Strudwick and his sister Thunder aren’t having their own fun with the dog sitter. Don’t believe your lion eyes! That’s Strud and Thunder taking their star turns …
The Strudwick File: Strud Goes Gardening

The Strudwick File: Strud Goes Gardening
You may recall that last week Strud took it upon himself to do some yard work – making his way through Megyn and Doug’s remaining firewood and leaving his mark on the lawn. Allow us to jog your memory: His work on the property was apparently not done because – this week – Strudwick assumed …
The Strudwick File: A Taste for Timber

The Strudwick File: A Taste for Timber
If you are a regular reader of The Strudwick File, you know Strud has a thing for wood. He’s chewed up wooden kitchen spoons and pencils (yep, those are plurals), and his taste for timber doesn’t stop there. Earlier this week, Megyn thought Strudwick was being a good boy while playing outside – until she …
The Strudwick File: You Butter Believe It

The Strudwick File: You Butter Believe It
Strud LOVES butter, and Megyn has been in a death match to prevent him from getting at the butter dish for the better part of the last two years. The efforts have been somewhat futile, as he’s broken a couple already. But lately they’ve been keeping it on top of the microwave, pushed way to …
The Strudwick File: Naan Too Good, Part II

The Strudwick File: Naan Too Good, Part II
Megyn and her family returned from South Dakota on Sunday after a long day of travel and Strud wasted no time welcoming them home. We’ll let Megyn tell you what happened: The dogs had been staying with their dog walker and were happy to see us. It was late and we didn’t feel like cooking, …
The Strudwick File: Strud Really Milks It

The Strudwick File: Strud Really Milks It
Megyn was making breaded chicken when Strudwick somehow got himself up onto the counter to down half a cup of buttermilk – some of which you can see ended up on his guilty guise: As Megyn noted, however, he did learn a valuable lesson from the ordeal: Moment on the lips, lifetime on the hips. …
The Strudwick File: Strud 3, Invisible Fence 0

The Strudwick File: Strud 3, Invisible Fence 0
Strudwick served up a twofer this week… 1. Another wooden spoon bit the dust. For whatever reason, these are a particular favorite of Strud, and Megyn admitted that it was her mistake for thinking it could stay on the counter in a room that he has access to. Her take: “We got too cocky when …
The Strudwick File: Breaking and Entering

The Strudwick File: Breaking and Entering
Last weekend, we took the whole fam – including the dogs – to visit Doug’s mom, Jackie. Yardley was attending a bat mitzvah in Philadelphia, so we made it into a family trip. We realized bringing Strudwick anywhere outside of his native environment was risky, but we know Jackie has a big mud room with …