Megyn Details Her Surprise ‘Bombshell Encounter’ with Actress Margot Robbie

Megyn Details Her Surprise ‘Bombshell Encounter’ with Actress Margot Robbie
Megyn ran into ‘Bombshell’ actress Margot Robbie at an event in Deer Valley, UT, over the weekend and she opened up about the unexpected “bombshell encounter” on Wednesday’s show.
‘What Turns a Man Into a Monster?’: Megyn on Why the Murdaugh Murder Trial Gripped the Nation

‘What Turns a Man Into a Monster?’: Megyn on Why the Murdaugh Murder Trial Gripped the Nation
Megyn reacts to the conviction and sentencing of Alex Murdaugh.
The Strudwick File: Adventures of Doggy Day Care

The Strudwick File: Adventures of Doggy Day Care
Well, Strud does not have a parasite anymore; nor does he have salmonella, which was the vet’s other concern – she mentioned the words “public health issue” and “Department of Health,” so… phew! In the end, she recommended that we put him on a sensitive stomach diet that involves special dog food and a STRICT …
Sally Field Accepts SAG Lifetime Achievement Award with a Virtue Signaling Speech

Sally Field Accepts SAG Lifetime Achievement Award with a Virtue Signaling Speech
Megyn, Adam Carolla, and Dr. Drew react to Sally Field’s SAG Life Achievement Award speech.
The Strudwick File: The Tale of the Table

The Strudwick File: The Tale of the Table
Strudwick has been a perfect angel all week… except for the table and lamp he broke: When he knocked over the table, this screw came out. As you can see, the lamp is a bit dinged up, but – all things considered – it could have been worse. Keep up to date on Strudwick’s latest …
CNN Refuses to Fire Don Lemon, so Megyn Has Her Own ‘Re-Education Camp’ for Him

CNN Refuses to Fire Don Lemon, so Megyn Has Her Own ‘Re-Education Camp’ for Him
Megyn offers CNN some suggestions for Don Lemon’s “formal training.”
The Inside Story of the Only ‘Megyn Kelly Show’ Interview to Never Air

The Inside Story of the Only ‘Megyn Kelly Show’ Interview to Never Air
Megyn and her executive producer discuss an interview that ended up on the cutting room floor.
‘Do Women Matter?’: Megyn Blasts CNN’s Handling of Don Lemon’s Misogyny

‘Do Women Matter?’: Megyn Blasts CNN’s Handling of Don Lemon’s Misogyny
Megyn has a simple question for CNN CEO Chris Licht in the aftermath of Don Lemon’s ‘prime’ comments.
The Strudwick File: Strud Plays It Safe

The Strudwick File: Strud Plays It Safe
Megyn, Doug, and the kids recently took a CPR training class. To start, Strudwick was in the mudroom barking non-stop and very unhappy that he could not be a part of the action. Megyn let him outside to put an end to the barking, but Strud was not satisfied. He immediately started peering inside like …
Megyn Slams Don Lemon for Saying Women Over 50 Are Past Their ‘Prime’

Megyn Slams Don Lemon for Saying Women Over 50 Are Past Their ‘Prime’
Megyn reacts to Don Lemon saying women over 50 are past their ‘prime.’
‘South Park’ Roasts Prince Harry and Meghan Markle as Hypocritical Liars

‘South Park’ Roasts Prince Harry and Meghan Markle as Hypocritical Liars
Megyn reacts to ‘South Park’ mocking Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s privacy demands.
‘This is an Unwell Person’: Megyn Reacts to Madonna’s Appearance at the Grammy Awards

‘This is an Unwell Person’: Megyn Reacts to Madonna’s Appearance at the Grammy Awards
Megyn reacts to Madonna’s unrecognizable appearance at the 2023 Grammy Awards.