
Megyn Shares the Poem Her Son’s Teacher Read to End the School Year That Made Her Cry

Megyn Shares the Poem Her Son’s Teacher Read to End the School Year That Made Her Cry

My youngest son is finishing up fourth grade, which means the end of elementary school. Doug and I were in his classroom this morning for an end-of-year celebration.  His wonderful teacher put together some of his writings from the last few school years for us to take home and she also shared a poem with …

Bill Maher Has a Message for the Progressive ‘Social Justice Warriors’ Standing with Terrorists Like Hamas

Bill Maher Has a Message for the Progressive ‘Social Justice Warriors’ Standing with Terrorists Like Hamas

Since the October 7 terror attacks in Israel, there have been waves of protests and encampments on college campuses around the country. And what started as ‘pro-Palestinian’ demonstrations quickly morphed into support for terrorist groups like Hamas. On Tuesday’s show, Megyn was joined by Bill Maher, author of What This Comedian Said Will Shock You, …