Democratic Party

Best of the Week: Tucker Carlson on Biden Debate Debacle, Megyn on Kamala Harris’ Fox News Failure

Best of the Week: Tucker Carlson on Biden Debate Debacle, Megyn on Kamala Harris’ Fox News Failure

Megyn highlights some segments from The Megyn Kelly Show this week, including Tucker Carlson’s behind-the-scenes footage of Joe Biden’s CNN debate debacle, her analysis of Kamala Harris’ failed Fox News interview with Bret Baier, plus highlights from Ruthless and National Review Day.

Ep. 921 Donald Trump Roasts Kamala Harris and Tim Walz at Al Smith Dinner, and Why 2024 Matters

Ep. 921 Donald Trump Roasts Kamala Harris and Tim Walz at Al Smith Dinner, and Why 2024 Matters

Megyn is joined by The Daily Mail’s Maureen Callahan to discuss Kamala Harris not showing up to the Al Smith dinner in New York City supporting Catholics, her awkward and unfunny video message, her inability to laugh at herself, the hilarious highlights of Donald Trump’s speech at the event, his best roasts of Harris and Tim …

Why Senate Candidate Bernie Moreno Left the Private Sector to Serve… But Only for Two Terms

Why Senate Candidate Bernie Moreno Left the Private Sector to Serve… But Only for Two Terms

Megyn is joined by Bernie Moreno, Republican U.S. senate candidate from Ohio, to discuss why he left the private sector to run for public office, how he prioritizes his family and only will serve two terms, his opponent Sherrod Brown who is a lifetime politician, what issues he values, how he plans to support women, …

Ep. 920 Megyn on Radical Trans Ideology as Key 2024 Campaign Issue for White House and Senate

Ep. 920 Megyn on Radical Trans Ideology as Key 2024 Campaign Issue for White House and Senate

Megyn delivers a deep dive on how radical trans ideology has become a major campaign issue in the 2024 election, how The Megyn Kelly Show has been at the forefront of the issue for four years, what Kamala Harris really did as attorney general of California with prisoners who wanted “trans” surgery, the lies from …

Matt Murphy on Prosecuting Murderer Who Took Advantage of Kamala Harris’ Trans Prisoner Policy

Matt Murphy on Prosecuting Murderer Who Took Advantage of Kamala Harris’ Trans Prisoner Policy

Megyn is joined by Matt Murphy, former senior deputy district attorney for Orange County, California, to discuss the horrific murderer who got a taxpayer-funded gender surgery in prison thanks to Kamala Harris’ policies as attorney general, his terrible crimes, and more.

Ep. 919 Kamala’s Missed Opportunity on Fox News, and Media Smears Voters and Baier as Sexist

Ep. 919 Kamala’s Missed Opportunity on Fox News, and Media Smears Voters and Baier as Sexist

Megyn begins the show by discussing Vice President Kamala Harris’s interview with Bret Baier on Fox News, the key missteps and missed opportunities, why she failed to move the needle with a new audience, Harris’ infuriating dodges, her inability to answer direct questions on immigration and the border, her non-stop use of talking points and …