
Ep. 604 Testosterone, Libido, and Infertility: A Deep Dive on Men’s Sexual Health and Wellness, with Dr. Mohit Khera

Ep. 604 Testosterone, Libido, and Infertility: A Deep Dive on Men’s Sexual Health and Wellness, with Dr. Mohit Khera

Megyn brings listeners and viewers a deep dive on men’s sexual health with Mohit Khera, MD, a board certified urologist and professor of urology at Baylor College of Medicine. They discuss how men don’t focus on their sexual health in the same way women do, the causes of erectile dysfunction (ED), ways men can prevent ED, the decline …

A Closer Look at How Children’s Medical Agencies in the United States Have Been Captured and Corrupted By Trans Ideology

A Closer Look at How Children’s Medical Agencies in the United States Have Been Captured and Corrupted By Trans Ideology

Megyn is joined by Helen Joyce, author of Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality, to discuss the beginnings of the transgender movement in the United States, the capture and corruption of children’s medical agencies, why America’s polarization makes the problem worse, and more.

Ep. 590 Trans Activists’ Emotional Blackmail, Silencing Women, and Redefining Words to Win Arguments, with Helen Joyce

Ep. 590 Trans Activists’ Emotional Blackmail, Silencing Women, and Redefining Words to Win Arguments, with Helen Joyce

Megyn is joined by Helen Joyce, author of Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality, to talk about how trans activists are changing the language to redefine women, the silencing of women’s safety concerns, the dangers of allowing the opposite sex into single-sex spaces, why all-gender spaces are actually less dangerous, how social media censorship is key to trans …

Huh? Trans Biden Official Was Glad to Transition Later in Life, But Now Supports Gender Affirming Care for Kids

Huh? Trans Biden Official Was Glad to Transition Later in Life, But Now Supports Gender Affirming Care for Kids

Megyn was joined by Helen Joyce, author of “Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality,” to discuss trans Biden administration official Rachel Levine’s recent comments about supporting gender affirming care for minors despite not transitioning until later in life.

What’s Behind The Disturbing Uptick in Young Girls Requesting Medical ‘Transition’ from Gender Clinics

What’s Behind The Disturbing Uptick in Young Girls Requesting Medical ‘Transition’ from Gender Clinics

Megyn is joined by Miriam Grossman, MD, author of the forthcoming book Lost in Trans Nation, to talk about the thousands-fold uptick in gender clinic use, more than 47,000 girls raising money on platforms like GoFundMe to get a double mastectomy, the devastating emotional impact on kids and parents, the long-term ramifications of these medical …

Failed for Writing ‘Biological Women’ in an Essay?!: The Latest Outrageous Examples of Wokeness on College Campuses

Failed for Writing ‘Biological Women’ in an Essay?!: The Latest Outrageous Examples of Wokeness on College Campuses

Megyn Kelly is joined by Jesse Kelly, author of The Anti-Communist Manifesto, to discuss the synergy between campus culture and cancel culture, a Idaho high school senior barred from walking in graduation after saying “boys are boys, girls are girls,” a University of Cincinnati student facing consequences for using the term “biological women” in an …

Ep. 565 Truth About the HPV Vaccine: A ‘Megyn Kelly Show’ Debate and Discussion with Dr. Kristen Walsh and Epidemiologist Allison Krug

Ep. 565 Truth About the HPV Vaccine: A ‘Megyn Kelly Show’ Debate and Discussion with Dr. Kristen Walsh and Epidemiologist Allison Krug

Megyn is joined by pediatrician Kristen Walsh, MD, and epidemiologist Allison Krug for an in-depth discussion and debate about the safety and efficacy of the HPV vaccine, including pros and cons to whether boys and girls should get the vaccine, silent symptoms of the virus, the reality of natural immunity, whether women need pap smears every …

Up for Debate: Medical Experts Break Down How to Weigh the Risks vs. the Side Effects of the HPV Vaccine and Who It Is Best For

Up for Debate: Medical Experts Break Down How to Weigh the Risks vs. the Side Effects of the HPV Vaccine and Who It Is Best For

Megyn is joined by pediatrician Kristen Walsh, MD and epidemiologist Allison Krug to discuss the side effects and risk factors of the HPV vaccine, the value of natural versus vaccine immunity, the efficacy of one dose of the shot compared to more than one, the presence of aluminum as a neurotoxin, and more.

Follow the Money: The Backlash Against Target Backlash Is Impacting the Bottom Line and Putting Woke Corporations in Danger

Follow the Money: The Backlash Against Target Backlash Is Impacting the Bottom Line and Putting Woke Corporations in Danger

Megyn is joined by Adam Curry, host of the No Agenda Show podcast, to discuss the Target Pride Month display that went too far and led to massive backlash, the effect the current culture war is having on Wall Street and corporate interests, how the medical industry gain from woke ideology, and more.