Michael Knowles

Best of the Week: Trump Legal Set-Up, Whiny College Brats, and Kristi Noem’s Puppy Murder

Best of the Week: Trump Legal Set-Up, Whiny College Brats, and Kristi Noem’s Puppy Murder

Megyn highlights some of the best segments from The Megyn Kelly Show this week, including Andy McCarthy explaining the dubious legal theory behind the prosecution of former President Donald Trump in New York, The Fifth Column hosts talking about the leader of the whiny brats at Columbia who took over an academic building, Batya Ungar-Sargon discussing Vice …

Yes, Donald Trump Standing Criminal Trial Is ‘Abnormal’… But This Is Why the Left Is to Blame

Yes, Donald Trump Standing Criminal Trial Is ‘Abnormal’… But This Is Why the Left Is to Blame

Megyn is joined by Michael Knowles, host of The Daily Wire’s Michael Knowles Show, to discuss George Stephanopoulos and the press highlighting the “abnormal” criminal trial of Donald Trump, why the left and the media are actually to blame for the loss of ‘norms,’ how the trial affects the Trump campaign and the 2024 election, …

Ep. 777 Kristi Noem Shoots Her Puppy, Campus Chaos Continues, and Trans Ideology with Kids

Ep. 777 Kristi Noem Shoots Her Puppy, Campus Chaos Continues, and Trans Ideology with Kids

Megyn is joined by Michael Knowles, host of The Daily Wire’s Michael Knowles Show, to discuss Gov. Kristi Noem (R-SD) writing in her memoir about shooting her puppy, the political malpractice of admitting she killed her excited dog, whether humans are too attached to their pets, George Stephanopoulos and the press highlighting the “abnormal” criminal trial …

Megyn Calls Out Campus Chaos and the Columbia ‘Encampment’ Leader Who Wants Zionists to Die

Megyn Calls Out Campus Chaos and the Columbia ‘Encampment’ Leader Who Wants Zionists to Die

Megyn is joined by Michael Knowles, host of The Daily Wire’s Michael Knowles Show, to discuss a student leader of the Columbia University ‘encampment’ calling for Zionists to die, protesters revealing themselves to be anti-American, the media and left getting yelled at by anti-Israel protesters at the White House Correspondents Dinner, and more.

Ep. 749 Meltdown at NBC Over Ronna McDaniel Hire, and Meghan Markle’s Cringe New Brand

Ep. 749 Meltdown at NBC Over Ronna McDaniel Hire, and Meghan Markle’s Cringe New Brand

Megyn is joined by Michael Knowles, host of The Daily Wire’s Michael Knowles Show, to discuss Donald Trump winning his appeal and getting the bond massively reduced in the New York civil fraud case, the left’s hysterical reaction to this reduction, Trump’s ability to continually overcome the legal cases being thrown at him, Stormy Daniels …

Meltdown at NBC and MSNBC After Former RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel Is Hired as Contributor

Meltdown at NBC and MSNBC After Former RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel Is Hired as Contributor

Megyn is joined by Michael Knowles, host of The Daily Wire’s Michael Knowles Show, to discuss the meltdown at NBC and MSNBC over the hiring of former RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel as a contributor, why these networks want to keep conservatives out, the ridiculous segment on Morning Joe about why McDaniel is banned from the …

Donald Trump Wins Appeal and Gets Bond Massively Reduced in New York Civil Fraud Case

Donald Trump Wins Appeal and Gets Bond Massively Reduced in New York Civil Fraud Case

Megyn is joined by Michael Knowles, host of The Daily Wire’s Michael Knowles Show, to discuss Donald Trump winning his appeal and getting the bond massively reduced in his New York civil fraud case, the left’s hysterical reaction to this reduction, Trump’s ongoing ability to overcome the legal cases being thrown at him, and more.