The Strudwick File: One of These Things Is Not Like The Other

The Strudwick File: One of These Things Is Not Like The Other
We’ve got a game for you this week… which one of these things DOES NOT BELONG in Strud’s bed?! Look closely and you’ll see Thatcher’s recorder amongst the dog bones. Fortunately, the damage was (relatively) minimal, so Megyn had a quick fix: “Not gonna lie – I sneaked it back into its cover and into …
The Strudwick File: Happy Birthday, Strud!

The Strudwick File: Happy Birthday, Strud!
Guess who turned two on Thursday?! Finally, Strudwick has reached the age they say everything calms down with labs. I have to say, he really does seem much better than, well, any other point in his life. Strud, here’s to many more years of belly rubs and fetching, snuggles and tug-o-war, playing in the yard …
The Strudwick File: Strud Finds a Friend

The Strudwick File: Strud Finds a Friend
Stop the presses! Megyn and Doug have finally found a way to exhaust Strudwick: Meet their neighbor Ollie! Megyn’s take on Strud’s new friend: “GAME CHANGER!” Keep up to date on Strudwick’s latest shenanigans by subscribing to the American News Minute, Megyn’s free weekly email that delivers all the news you need straight to your …
The Strudwick File: A Tough Pill to Swallow

The Strudwick File: A Tough Pill to Swallow
Last we spoke, Strudwick had somehow managed to devour a container of minestrone soup his dog sitter Holly was planning to eat for dinner. Here’s a reminder of the damage: Holly was watching Strud and his sister Thunder while Megyn was on vacation, and the shenanigans didn’t stop with the soup. Following the supper steal, …
The Strudwick File: Strud – and ‘His Accomplice’ – Strike Again

The Strudwick File: Strud – and ‘His Accomplice’ – Strike Again
While Megyn and her family are enjoying spring break in Montana, Strudwick and his sister Thunder are at home in Connecticut with their dog sitter Holly. In case Megyn and Doug wondered if Strud saves his shenanigans for them, this incident confirms he is an equal opportunity offender. Holly was planning on having minestrone soup …
The Strudwick File: Good Timing, Strud!

The Strudwick File: Good Timing, Strud!
This week, Strud managed to poop in his crate. Sadly for Doug, it happened on a morning Megyn was out of town and he was managing both dogs and all three kids by himself (good timing, Strud!). He also destroyed Thunder’s invisible fence collar, which required the purchase of a new one. You can see …
The Strudwick File: Adventures of Doggy Day Care

The Strudwick File: Adventures of Doggy Day Care
Well, Strud does not have a parasite anymore; nor does he have salmonella, which was the vet’s other concern – she mentioned the words “public health issue” and “Department of Health,” so… phew! In the end, she recommended that we put him on a sensitive stomach diet that involves special dog food and a STRICT …
The Strudwick File: The Tale of the Table

The Strudwick File: The Tale of the Table
Strudwick has been a perfect angel all week… except for the table and lamp he broke: When he knocked over the table, this screw came out. As you can see, the lamp is a bit dinged up, but – all things considered – it could have been worse. Keep up to date on Strudwick’s latest …
The Strudwick File: Strud Plays It Safe

The Strudwick File: Strud Plays It Safe
Megyn, Doug, and the kids recently took a CPR training class. To start, Strudwick was in the mudroom barking non-stop and very unhappy that he could not be a part of the action. Megyn let him outside to put an end to the barking, but Strud was not satisfied. He immediately started peering inside like …
The Strudwick File: Lunch Lessons, Part II

The Strudwick File: Lunch Lessons, Part II
If you’ve been a subscriber since the first edition of American News Minute back in September, you might recall that the inaugural Strudwick File was born out of Strud sniffing out Megyn’s chicken lunch and eating all but the asparagus. Below is a trip down memory lane for a look at the evidence: Well, six …
Megyn Reacts to Viewer Emails About Her Saucy Language, Her Dog Strudwick, Roland Griffiths, and More

Megyn Reacts to Viewer Emails About Her Saucy Language, Her Dog Strudwick, Roland Griffiths, and More
Megyn opens up The MK Mail Bag and responds to listener and viewer emails about notable guests, her dog Strudwick, her language, and more. Have a thought or question for Megyn? Email us at
The Strudwick File: Adventures at the Vet

The Strudwick File: Adventures at the Vet
Somehow The Strudwick Files are blessed. Megyn? Not so much… As you know, Strud has been on medication to treat a parasite that was thought to be the cause of his non-stop diarrhea. The GI issues have continued post-parasite meds though, so the vet wanted to see him for a follow up on Monday. Since …