
How Woke Ideology Has Replaced Religion in the United States and Paved the Way for Censorship

How Woke Ideology Has Replaced Religion in the United States and Paved the Way for Censorship

Megyn is joined by entrepreneur Naval Ravikant to discuss how woke ideology is taking over America and replacing religion, why technology is contributing to the perception of a divide between the haves and have nots, the evil censorship of free speech, the need for both the First and Second Amendment in the United States, and …

Military Veterans on Why It Matters That Tim Walz Called Himself a ‘Retired Command Sergeant Major’

Military Veterans on Why It Matters That Tim Walz Called Himself a ‘Retired Command Sergeant Major’

Megyn is joined by four veterans who served in the National Guard with Tim Walz and are speaking out about the Minnesota governor’s true military record, why it matters that he has called himself a “retired command sergeant major” when he isn’t one, the training that goes into retiring as a command sergeant major, the …

‘Reagan’ Cast Talks About Censorship on Social Media and Beyond After Being Labeled ‘Political’ Speech

‘Reagan’ Cast Talks About Censorship on Social Media and Beyond After Being Labeled ‘Political’ Speech

Megyn is joined by the cast of Reagan – Dennis Quaid, Penelope Ann Miller, and Dan Lauria – to talk about their concerns over how social media platforms are increasingly censoring content about the film, claims that the content is “political” and related to the election, the challenges of telling historical stories like Ronald Reagan’s …

Megyn Calls Out PBS Correspondent Judy Woodruff for Lying About Trump-Netanyahu Call

Megyn Calls Out PBS Correspondent Judy Woodruff for Lying About Trump-Netanyahu Call

Megyn is joined by The Daily Wire’s Michael Knowles to talk about veteran PBS correspondent Judy Woodruff lying on air and in her subsequent clarification about a phone call between Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu, new reporting that proves her lies, the embarrassing state of the corporate media, and more.

So, Who Is Running the Country with Biden on Vacation and the Media Focused on Harris ‘Joy’?

So, Who Is Running the Country with Biden on Vacation and the Media Focused on Harris ‘Joy’?

Megyn is joined by Stu Burguiere, host of BlazeTV’s Stu Does America, and Stephen L. Miller, host of Versus Media, to discuss the very real question of who is actually running the country, President Joe Biden seen visibly shaking last week, his non-stop vacationing, the media focus on Kamala Harris’ “joy,” and more.

Debating Tim Walz’s Military Service and ‘Stolen Valor’ Claims, with Democratic Rep. Adam Smith

Debating Tim Walz’s Military Service and ‘Stolen Valor’ Claims, with Democratic Rep. Adam Smith

Megyn is joined by U.S. Rep. Adam Smith (D-WA) to discuss how Kamala Harris and Tim Walz still haven’t done any interviews, the controversy over Walz leaving the National Guard before his unit was deployed to Iraq, the accusations of ‘stolen valor’ from fellow veterans, and more.

Here’s the Truth About the Rift Between Joe Biden and the Obamas in the Wake of the Dem Switch Up

Here’s the Truth About the Rift Between Joe Biden and the Obamas in the Wake of the Dem Switch Up

Megyn is joined by Mark Halperin, Sean Spicer, and Tim Hogan, hosts of The Morning Meeting on 2WAY, to discuss the rift between President Joe Biden and the Obamas, why Vice President Kamala Harris wasn’t in the arena for the Obamas’ speeches Tuesday night, the pettiness emerging at the DNC, former President Obama’s low blow …

Breaking Down Kamala Harris’ Bizarre Word Salads on ‘Duality’ and More: Drunk, Stoned, or Dumb?

Breaking Down Kamala Harris’ Bizarre Word Salads on ‘Duality’ and More: Drunk, Stoned, or Dumb?

Megyn is joined by the hosts of Ruthless – John Ashbrook, Michael Duncan, Josh Holmes, and Comfortably Smug – to discuss Vice President Kamala Harris’ word salads, her bizarre take on the “duality of democracy,” whether she comes across as drunk or stoned or dumb, and more.

Kamala Harris Impersonator Estee Palti Reveals How She Makes Fun of the Dem Nominee’s Absurdity

Kamala Harris Impersonator Estee Palti Reveals How She Makes Fun of the Dem Nominee’s Absurdity

Megyn is joined by Kamala Harris impersonator Estee Palti to discuss how she went viral on TikTok impersonating the vice president, the absurdity of the way Harris talks, her total lack of authenticity, the keys to the impression, why the left doesn’t want to make fun of Harris, and more.

Lawfare Against Donald Trump Continues as Judge Chutkan Has the Washington, D.C. Case Again

Lawfare Against Donald Trump Continues as Judge Chutkan Has the Washington, D.C. Case Again

Megyn is joined by Donald Trump’s attorney John Lauro to discuss the latest in the Washington, D.C., trial with Judge Tanya Chutkan, if Special Counsel Jack Smith could be pushed aside, whether the trial could still take place before the election or the inauguration, if the lawfare campaign against Trump is working, and more.

Should Kamala Harris Be Held Accountable for Not Speaking Up About Joe Biden’s Cognitive Decline?

Should Kamala Harris Be Held Accountable for Not Speaking Up About Joe Biden’s Cognitive Decline?

Megyn is joined by Stephen A. Smith, host of The Stephen A. Smith Show, to discuss whether Vice President Kamala Harris should face backlash for not speaking up about President Joe Biden’s cognitive decline, the oath she took to protect the U.S. Constitution, who actually does the work for elected officials, the state of the …