The Strudwick File: Bye, Bye Bike Reflectors

The Strudwick File: Bye, Bye Bike Reflectors
What did Strudwick do this week? Well, these remnants used to be two bags of brand new bike reflectors and a piece of firewood – then Strud figured out how to get in the garage. It sounds like new locks are in order! Keep up to date on Strudwick’s latest shenanigans by subscribing to the …
The Strudwick File: Lunch Lessons, Part I

The Strudwick File: Lunch Lessons, Part I
On Tuesday, Megyn’s dog Strudwick ate her entire lunch – except the asparagus (though those bite marks suggest he tried to chow down on that, too). On Wednesday, Megyn’s assistant Abby got resourceful… Can Strudwick find the lunch behind the toaster? So far, no. But if the eaten books, seltzer cans, and laminated signs are …