Ep. 876 EXCLUSIVE: Four Veterans Speak Out About Tim Walz’s ‘Stolen Valor’ and Retirement

Megyn is joined by four veterans who served in the National Guard with Gov. Tim Walz and in his unit that deployed to Iraq – Tom Behrends, Paul Herr, Tom Schilling, and Rodney Tow – to talk about all the controversies surrounding the Democratic vice presidential nominee and his military service, why it matters that Walz retired just before his Minnesota National Guard unit deployed to Iraq, why he had to know he was going to deploy before he retired, the relevance of his rank and his leadership role to how he abandoned his troops, what Walz told them at the time, his decision to run for Congress and whether that service counts, why it matters Walz has called himself a “retired command sergeant major” when he isn’t one, the training that goes into retiring as a command sergeant major, the accusations that there’s a political motive behind the veterans speaking out now, why Walz’s motivations to portray himself as more decorated than he is are actually political, how Walz denigrated the National Guard with his “19-year-old cooks” comment during the BLM riots, the truth about the National Guard and how incompetent Walz really is, how Walz’ unit lost a 19-year-old in Iraq after he retired and left his men behind, what it means for Walz to potentially be one heartbeat away from the presidency, fear vs. bravery, why the veterans say Walz is a “coward” and “deserter,” whether it is relevant that Donald Trump never served in the military, and more.