Ep. 890 Media Blames Donald Trump for Assassination Attempt, and Secret Service Concerns

Megyn is joined by Piers Morgan, host of Piers Morgan Uncensored, to talk about the outrageous media coverage that blames former President Donald Trump for being the victim of his own assassination attempt, the left saying it is Trump’s rhetoric that is at fault, the outrageous comments from the head of the Secret Service praising the job they did after the second assassination attempt, the lack of accountability from the organization, Vice President Kamala Harris’ latest embarrassing interview with a local ABC affiliate, her tendency to ramble on without saying anything of substance, whether she will do more interviews, and more.

Then, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, editor of Restoration Bulletin on Substack, joins to discuss the dangers of immigration without assimilation to America and Europe, how it can harm the lower and middle class, the terrible media coverage of Springfield, OH, young girls speaking out about the dangers of gender-neutral bathrooms at their school, and more.

Then, Blackwater founder Erik Prince joins to discuss the incompetence of the Secret Service, their shortcomings in protecting Trump once again, bizarre details about the background of the would-be assassin, and more.

Plus, Megyn gives an update on the alleged ABC whistleblower story and ABC’s empty denial, and shares what we now know about the ‘bomb threats’ in Springfield, OH, that were actually hoaxes.